buy a pig in a poke - translation to ρωσικά
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buy a pig in a poke - translation to ρωσικά

Pig-in-a-poke; A pig in a poke; Be sold a pup; Buy a pup; Sell a pup

buy a pig in a poke      
покупать что-л. заглазно
sell a pup         

собирательное выражение

надуть кого-л. при продаже

sell a pup         
sell a pup coll. надуть кого-л. при продаже


(КоА) , сложное природное соединение, один из важнейших коферментов. В живых клетках участвует в реакциях окисления, синтеза жирных кислот, липидов и др.


Pig in a poke

A pig in a poke is a thing that is bought without first being inspected, and thus of unknown authenticity or quality. The idiom is attested in 1555:

A "poke" is a bag, so the image is of a concealed item being sold.

Starting in the 19th century, this idiom was explained as a confidence trick where a farmer would substitute a cat for a suckling pig when bringing it to market. When the buyer discovered the deception, he was said to "let the cat out of the bag", that is, to learn of something unfortunate prematurely, hence the expression "letting the cat out of the bag", meaning to reveal that which is secret. The French idiom acheter (un) chat en poche and the Dutch een kat in de zak kopen and also the German die Katze im Sack kaufen (all: to buy a cat in a bag) refer to an actual scam of this nature, as do many other European equivalents, while the English expression refers to the appearance of the trick. The English idiom "sold a pup" refers to a similar con.

In common law, buyers have the right to inspect goods before purchase.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για buy a pig in a poke
1. "We‘re not going to buy a pig in a poke," he said.
2. What was turning into a war of words escalated when Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett warned that if it came to ‘deal or no deal‘, Britain would take no deal rather than buy a ‘pig in a poke‘ from the EU.
3. "I‘m not going to buy a pig in a poke and commit to retroactive immunity when I don‘t know what went on" in the past, Specter said Tuesday on CNN‘s "Situation Room." "I agree with Arlen," Leahy said on the program.
4. Today the same occurs when, for example, you buy a used car without an engine check. Îäíî ';ç âŕćí$';ő ňđĺáîâŕí';é, ďđĺäúH';âëH';ĺě$';ő ę ęîěďŕí';';–ďîńňŕâů';ęó, –– ďđîçđŕ÷íîńňü á';çíĺńŕ: ďîęóďŕňü ęîňŕ â ěĺřęĺ íĺ őî÷ĺň í';ęňî. (One of the most important requirements for a supplier is transparency: No one wants to buy a pig in a poke.) A puzzling expression is ňH';íóňü ęîňŕ çŕ őâîńň (literally, to pull a cat by its tail). This nasty image actually means "to drag something out," either in words or actions. Íĺ áóäĺě ňH';íóňü ęîňŕ çŕ őâîńň '; ńđŕçó î';ëŕń';ě ńď';ńîę ďîáĺä';ňĺëĺé! (We won‘t keep you in suspense –– we‘ll announce the winners right away.) Etymologists tussle over the origins of this phrase.
Μετάφραση του &#39buy a pig in a poke&#39 σε Ρωσικά